CEREC crowns

CEREC crowns

In the busy 21st century, customer expectations have changed. Our spare time is precious. So we prefer to shop online, make instant payments, and have our purchases delivered straight to our door. Businesses that can promptly deliver quality goods and great customer service – for the best possible price – meet the needs and expectations of today’s customers. The same applies to modern dentistry. Dental patients nowadays want the best solutions for their oral health in minimal time. In order to meet the needs of today’s dental patients, more and more dental clinics are practising same-day dentistry. This is possible because of advances in dental technology which have made same-day dentistry a reality. Now, lengthy dental treatment can be performed in a fraction of the usual time.

CEREC crowns 3d miller

CEREC dental technology

CEREC (CEramic REConstruction) is one such innovation. CEREC is a high-tech dental technology system that can design and produce high quality ceramic dental restorations (such as crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays) for patients, onsite at the dental clinic – in minutes.  

Traditional crown treatment

Traditional crown treatments usually take a week or longer and involve two visits. The first visit involves taking manual dental impressions of your teeth which are sent away to a dental lab. While your permanent crown is being prepared there, you will need to wear a temporary crown. When you return for your second visit, it is replaced by your new crown, which is tested and cemented into place.

The benefits of CEREC crown treatment:


  • CEREC crown treatments are far quicker and easier (than traditional crown treatments), and only require one visit. They are actually easier to receive than dental filling treatments.
  • CEREC crowns provide amazing results. They are bio-safe, look natural and feel just like your other teeth. CEREC technology makes it possible to customise and create strong durable colour-matched crowns for your teeth.
  • CEREC restorations are less invasive for patients. When your dentist prepares your teeth for a CEREC crown, only the damaged, decayed or defective parts of the affected tooth are removed. More of your natural tooth is retained during a CEREC procedure, unlike traditional crown treatments which require further excavation – which can weaken your remaining natural tooth structure.
CEREC crowns 3d model

How does the CEREC crown treatment system work?

Once your dentist has finished preparing your tooth to receive a crown, a quick 3D scan of your oral cavity is taken with a small pen-shaped intraoral 3D camera, called the CEREC Omnicam. The 3D data captured by the camera is then viewed on a computer screen. You can watch as your dentist designs your crown with the CEREC 3D modelling software. The completed 3D file of your new crown is exported to the in-house CEREC milling machine, which proceeds to carve out your crown from a single ceramic block right before your eyes. It takes about 15 minutes, and you’re free to keep watching – or you can take a break! When ready, your new CEREC crown is permanently bonded to your tooth – and you are good to go!

CEREC crowns

CEREC tooth restorations are suitable for a number of tooth problems and issues including:

  • Heavily decayed teeth
  • Weakened, fractured or cracked teeth
  • Replacement of old metal or failing restorations

However, if your other teeth are stained or discoloured, there may be other dental restorative materials that provide more aesthetic options, especially for front tooth restorations. CEREC is a life changer. If you are interested in finding out more about CEREC crowns, contact us on (08) 9310 3367 or book online to schedule a consultation. We are also happy to answer any of your questions over the phone.

Straight teeth can improve your oral health

Straight teeth can improve your oral health

People want straighter teeth for a number of reasons, including improving one’s cosmetic appearance and smile-confidence. But did you know that straighter teeth can improve your oral health?

The health benefits of straight teeth

Recent research shows that people who have straighter teeth and a properly aligned bite have better oral health, and a lower risk of periodontal disease (or gum disease) than those with crooked or crowded teeth. One major benefit of having straighter teeth is easier cleaning, which can reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, loss of teeth and jaw issues. A properly aligned bite prevents uneven and excess wear to tooth enamel. You’re also going to be able to chew your food more effectively for better digestion, nutritional intake and better overall health.

Orthodontics – dental treatment to straighten teeth

The area of dentistry that specialises in correcting crooked or crowded teeth and overbites is called orthodontics or orthodontic treatment. And a dentist that provides orthodontic treatment is called an orthodontist. At Leeming Dental, Dr. Sonny Lee and Dr. Sashika Fernando are our resident orthodontists!

Orthodontic treatments – how to get straight teeth

Modern Orthodontics offers many kinds of braces for children, teens & adults, including:

  • Traditional braces/Metal braces – Getting metal braces is the traditional way to straighten teeth. They are quick and efficient, and utilise metal brackets and wire to reposition your teeth.
  • Ceramic braces /White braces – Ceramic braces utilise brackets and wires that are made of tooth-coloured or clear ceramics.
  • Invisible aligners – Invisalign consists of an 18 to 30 step treatment plan that utilises clear mouthguard-like aligners that are replaced fortnightly.
  • Lingual braces – Lingual braces are similar to metal braces, except they are attached to & pull in from the inside surfaces of the teeth.

Maintain your straighter teeth with RETAINERS

After your orthodontic treatment, it takes time for your teeth to learn their new positions, and to seat properly. Trouble is, they may start to drift back to their original positions, and get crooked or crowded again. That’s where retainers come in. Removable or fixed retainers help keep your teeth in their new positions after orthodontic treatment. Retainers are the best way to protect your investment in your teeth, and are typically worn 1 or 2 nights a week but everyone is different. You just need to follow your Leeming Dental orthodontist’s recommendation to ensure that your teeth stay straight and healthy for life!

Straight teeth can improve your oral health
Foods and drinks that stain your teeth

Foods and drinks that stain your teeth

Brushing your teeth twice daily and seeing your dentist for a professional clean are two of the best ways to maintain a bright, healthy smile. However, no matter how clean and free of plaque your teeth may be, there is one thing that can prevent your teeth from being the brightest they can be – and that is food and drinks that stain your teeth.

How do foods and drinks stain your teeth?

Foods and drinks that contain coloured compounds called chromogens, have the ability to stain your teeth. Another substance called tannin can increase the staining potential of chromogens, especially when both are present in the same drink or food. For example, black tea or coffee. If acids are also present, the staining or discolouration is further enhanced because acids weaken your tooth enamel, making your teeth easier to stain. The most common teeth-staining foods and drinks

  • Black tea and coffee
  • Red wine
  • Soft drinks and sports drinks
  • Dark coloured fruit juices and drinks
  • Dark coloured berries
  • Tomato-based pasta sauce
  • Beetroots
  • Curries containing tumeric
  • Soy sauce
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Coloured candy
Foods and drinks that stain your teeth

Should all I avoid consuming all foods and drinks that stain or discolour my teeth? Certainly not. If a food or drink is naturally dark in colour, especially purple and red, they probably contain high levels of antioxidants which provide numerous health benefits. Just eat them in moderation and rinse your mouth with water afterwards to avoid their staining effect. On the other hand, food or drinks that are sweetened and artificially coloured are best avoided altogether since they also contribute to tooth decay.

What can I do to avoid tooth stains and discolouration?

  • Consume foods and drinks that stain or discolour teeth in moderation.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after consuming teeth-staining foods and drinks.
  • Balance off meals with foods high in fibre which can increase saliva and have a natural cleansing effect. For example, apples and celery.
  • Try using a straw when drinking teeth-staining beverages to bypass your teeth.
  • Chew Xylitol gum after eating for a saliva-boosting cleansing effect.
  • Brush and floss twice daily.
  • Attend regular checkups and cleans with your dentist.
CEREC crowns – one hour, one visit!

CEREC crowns – one hour, one visit!

In the busy 21st century, customer expectations have changed. Our spare time is precious. So we prefer to shop online, make instant payments, and have our purchases delivered straight to our door. Businesses that can promptly deliver quality goods and great customer service – for the best possible price – meet the needs and expectations of today’s customers. The same applies to modern dentistry. Dental patients nowadays want the best solutions for their oral health in minimal time. In order to meet the needs of today’s dental patients, more and more dental clinics are practising same-day dentistry. This is possible because of advances in dental technology which have made same-day dentistry a reality. Now, lengthy dental treatment can be performed in a fraction of the usual time.

CEREC dental technology

CEREC (CEramic REConstruction) is one such innovation. CEREC is a high-tech dental technology system that can design and produce high quality ceramic dental restorations (such as crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays) for patients, onsite at the dental clinic – in minutes.

Traditional crown treatment

Traditional crown treatments usually take a week or longer and involve two visits. The first visit involves taking manual dental impressions of your teeth which are sent away to a dental lab. While your permanent crown is being prepared there, you will need to wear a temporary crown. When you return for your second visit, it is replaced by your new crown, which is tested and cemented into place.

The benefits of CEREC crown treatment:

  • CEREC crown treatments are far quicker and easier (than traditional crown treatments), and only require one visit. They are actually easier to receive than dental filling treatments.
  • CEREC crowns provide amazing results. They are bio-safe, look natural and feel just like your other teeth. CEREC technology makes it possible to customise and create strong durable colour-matched crowns for your teeth.
  • CEREC restorations are less invasive for patients. When your dentist prepares your teeth for a CEREC crown, only the damaged, decayed or defective parts of the affected tooth are removed. More of your natural tooth is retained during a CEREC procedure, unlike traditional crown treatments which require further excavation – which can weaken your remaining natural tooth structure.

How does the CEREC crown treatment system work?

Once your dentist has finished preparing your tooth to receive a crown, a quick 3D scan of your oral cavity is taken with a small pen-shaped intraoral 3D camera, called the CEREC Omnicam. The 3D data captured by the camera is then viewed on a computer screen. You can watch as your dentist designs your crown with the CEREC 3D modelling software. The completed 3D file of your new crown is exported to the in-house CEREC milling machine, which proceeds to carve out your crown from a single ceramic block right before your eyes. It takes about 15 minutes, and you’re free to keep watching – or you can take a break! When ready, your new CEREC crown is permanently bonded to your tooth – and you are good to go!

CEREC tooth restorations are suitable for a number of tooth problems and issues including:

  • Heavily decayed teeth
  • Weakened, fractured or cracked teeth
  • Replacement of old metal or failing restorations

  However, if your other teeth are stained or discoloured, there may be other dental restorative materials that provide more aesthetic options, especially for front tooth restorations. CEREC is a life changer. If you are interested in finding out more about CEREC crowns, contact us on (08) 9310 3367 or book online to schedule a consultation. We are also happy to answer any of your questions over the phone.