Did you know that not all wisdom teeth need removal? However, there are cases when these teeth may cause problems such as impaction or infections that need to be treated.

In this blog, we’ll discuss why some wisdom teeth may require removal, what risks they may pose and how to deal with these problems effectively.

Common problems associated with wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth troubles can cause a range of oral health issues, from tooth pain to severe infections. Some risks associated with wisdom teeth include:

Impaction and misalignment:

When there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth to come through properly, they can become impacted, which means they don’t fully erupt from the gum. Impacted wisdom teeth can grow at abnormal angles, which can damage nearby teeth or cause a lot of pain.

Gum infections and gum disease:

Wisdom teeth are generally hard to clean because they are in the back of the mouth. This can cause food particles and bacteria to build up around these teeth, which can lead to gum infections and periodontal disease (a disease of the gums).

Tooth decay:

Partially erupted wisdom teeth can be hard to clean thoroughly, which makes them more likely to get cavities. The risk increases when the teeth are positioned in a way that restricts proper cleaning, exposing them to bacterial intrusion and decay.

Cysts and tumours:

When wisdom teeth become impacted, cysts, which are fluid-filled sacs, can form. These cysts can put pressure on the jawbone or nearby teeth, which could cause damage. In rare cases, these teeth can develop tumours around them, which can become a very serious concern.

Systemic impact:

The potential link between oral infections resulting from problematic wisdom teeth and the risk of sepsis is an often-overlooked but critical concern. Sepsis is a rare but severe, life-threatening condition that happens when an infection spreads through the bloodstream and makes its way to all parts of the body. It is crucial to seek treatment when abnormal symptoms are apparent, as it may be urgent to treat an infected or trapped wisdom tooth.

Addressing problems caused by wisdom teeth

Risks and solutions for problematic wisdom teeth

Regular dental check-ups:

Establishing a routine for dental check-ups gives your dentist the opportunity to closely monitor how your wisdom teeth grow and align together. This meticulous approach makes sure that any potential complications are identified as early as possible, which significantly reduces risks and future problems.

X-ray imaging:

Dental X-rays, specifically panoramic X-rays (OPG), can show you exactly where your wisdom teeth are and how they fit in with the structure of your mouth. This can help you and your dentist make more informed decisions about your oral health and treatment options.

Expert consultation:

When you have questions or concerns about your wisdom teeth, your dentist can provide professional guidance and informed suggestions. Dental professionals know a lot about oral health and hygiene, and can give you advice and recommendations that are suitable for you.


Wisdom teeth that are causing problems or seem likely to do so are often good candidates for removal. This preventative method helps keep your mouth healthy and comfortable in the long run by preventing buildups of food or bacteria, infections, crowding (malocclusion) and other problems.

Anaesthesia and sedation:

Your personalised anaesthetic options will depend on your individual comfort and anxiety levels, as well as the complexity of the extraction procedure. Your dentist will ensure to provide a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment for you during your treatment.

Tailored care instructions:

Your dentist prioritises your oral and overall health in the clinic, as well as outside of the dental chair. When you undergo a wisdom tooth removal procedure, your dentist will give you detailed guidance on what to expect and how to take care of yourself afterwards. Their professional advice will assist with a speedy recovery and reduce the risk of post-procedure problems.

Risks and solutions for problematic wisdom teeth

Prevent wisdom teeth problems

Get help from your dentist and act quickly if something doesn’t seem right with your oral health, especially where wisdom teeth are involved. Regular 6-monthly dental check-ups and open discussions with your dentist are the best ways to diagnose and treat any dental problems. Remember that everyone’s case is different, and a personalised approach to managing your wisdom teeth can give you a healthier, more comfortable smile for years to come.

If you think your wisdom teeth might be causing problems, don’t hesitate to consult with your dentist for guidance and solutions.