[TEST] Praktika booking

https://pmeqtest.praktika.net.au/php/onlineBookingV2/db_search.php apikey=025f6f53-49fa-45b4-9017-73e56f36582c&authkey=f55cbf91-bb1d-41f4-961f-b08bef1c38aa&practice_id=14162&staff_id=1017657&start_date=2025-01-01&end_date=2025-01-31
stdClass Object
    [customer] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 14161
            [iCustomerId] => 14161
            [name] => Leeming Dental Centre
            [countryCode] => AU
            [currencyCode] => AUD
            [locale] => en_AU
            [practice] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 14162
                            [iPracticeId] => 14162
                            [name] => Leeming Dental Centre
                            [iLogoPNGFileId] => 15008307
                            [timeZone] => Australia/Perth
                            [AdWordsConversionID] => 
                            [AdWordsConversionLabel] => 
                            [GoogleAnalyticsTrackingID] => 
                            [FacebookPixelID] => 
                            [CSSschema] => mainCSS_Beige.css
                            [appointmentType] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302844
                                            [iId] => 8302844
                                            [label] => WP
                                            [description] => TONNY ONLINE BOOKING APP
                                            [depositAmount] => 5000
                                            [colour] => #655EFF
                                            [duration] => 15


                            [address] => stdClass Object
                                    [streetAddress] => 23,29/51 Farrington Road
                                    [suburb] => Leeming
                                    [postcode] => 6149
                                    [state] => WA
                                    [latitude] => -32.079222
                                    [longitude] => 115.85308

                            [contacts] => stdClass Object
                                    [phone] => (08)93103367
                                    [fax] => 
                                    [www] => www.leemingdental.com.au
                                    [email] => info@leemingdental.com.au

                            [GeneralWarning] => 
                            [OnlineDepositEnabled] => false
                            [OnlineDefaultDepositAmount] => 5000
                            [IsReasonRequired] => false
                            [DisplayDepositAmounts] => false
                            [DepositRequiredFromAllPatients] => true
                            [MarketingMessage] => If you have any booking enquiries, please do not hesitate to call us on 9310 3367 for assistance.
                            [SuccessMessage] => 
                            [ForcedStepByStepSelection] => true
                            [GeneralInfo] => 
                            [DepositInfo] => To avoid no shows and last minute cancellations we enforce a booking deposit policy. A deposit must be made in order to reserve the appointment time. The deposited amount will be credited towards your treatment service. Please note that the refunds on deposits are up to discretion of the clinic. If you miss, cancel or change your appointment with less than 24 hours notice, your deposit may not be refunded.
                            [CallbackURL] => 
                            [SecondsToRedirect] => 10
                            [IncludeRequestId] => false
                            [CustomSearchPeriod] => stdClass Object
                                    [iValue] => 28
                                    [sUnits] => weeks

                            [staff] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 14166
                                            [iStaffId] => 14166
                                            [name] =>  Dental Supplies
                                            [title] => 
                                            [lastName] => Supplies
                                            [firstName] => Dental
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => F
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => --------
                                            [specialty] => Dentl Products Account

                                    [1] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 1017657
                                            [iStaffId] => 1017657
                                            [name] => Dr Justina Teo
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Teo
                                            [firstName] => Justina
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => M
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => --------
                                            [specialty] => Implant Specialist Dentist

                                    [2] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 14165
                                            [iStaffId] => 14165
                                            [name] => Dr Sashika Fernando
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Fernando
                                            [firstName] => Sashika
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => F
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 4494664F
                                            [specialty] => CEREC Botox Queen Dentist

                                    [3] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 5561281
                                            [iStaffId] => 5561281
                                            [name] => Dr Sashika Fernando - Leeming Forum
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Fernando - Leeming Forum
                                            [firstName] => Sashika
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 4494666B
                                            [specialty] => CEREC Botox Queen Dentist

                                    [4] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 14163
                                            [iStaffId] => 14163
                                            [name] => Dr Sonny Lee
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Lee
                                            [firstName] => Sonny
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => M
                                            [photoFileId] => 6939840
                                            [providerNumber] => 411444JH
                                            [specialty] => Different Aesthetic Dentist

                                    [5] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 5355039
                                            [iStaffId] => 5355039
                                            [name] => Dr Sonny Lee - Leeming Forum
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Lee - Leeming Forum
                                            [firstName] => Sonny
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 411444KW
                                            [specialty] => Different Aesthetic Dentist

                                    [6] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 6248731
                                            [iStaffId] => 6248731
                                            [name] => Ms Fatimah Sultani
                                            [title] => Ms
                                            [lastName] => Sultani
                                            [firstName] => Fatimah
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => F
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 411444KW
                                            [specialty] => Oral Health Therapist

                                    [7] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302845
                                            [iStaffId] => 8302845
                                            [name] => Ms Michelle Tran
                                            [title] => Ms
                                            [lastName] => Tran
                                            [firstName] => Michelle
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 411444KW
                                            [specialty] => Oral Health Therapist

                                    [8] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302846
                                            [iStaffId] => 8302846
                                            [name] => Miss Taylor Wright
                                            [title] => Miss
                                            [lastName] => Wright
                                            [firstName] => Taylor
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => F
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 411444KW
                                            [specialty] => Oral Health Therapist

                                    [9] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302847
                                            [iStaffId] => 8302847
                                            [name] => Ms Luisa Hungerford-Morgan
                                            [title] => Ms
                                            [lastName] => Hungerford-Morgan
                                            [firstName] => Luisa
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 411444KW
                                            [specialty] => Oral Health Therapist

                                    [10] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302848
                                            [iStaffId] => 8302848
                                            [name] => Dr Pak Poon
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Poon
                                            [firstName] => Pak
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 428054LY
                                            [specialty] => Associate Dentist

                                    [11] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302849
                                            [iStaffId] => 8302849
                                            [name] => Dr Jasmine Li
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Li
                                            [firstName] => Jasmine
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 5792288T
                                            [specialty] => Associate Dentist

                                    [12] => stdClass Object
                                            [id] => 8302850
                                            [iStaffId] => 8302850
                                            [name] => Dr Ashley Foo
                                            [title] => Dr
                                            [lastName] => Foo
                                            [firstName] => Ashley
                                            [qualifications] => 
                                            [languagesSpoken] => 
                                            [gender] => 
                                            [photoFileId] => 0
                                            [providerNumber] => 5599768H
                                            [specialty] => Associate Dentist




