Have your Gums been invaded by the Top 11 Oral Pathogens yet?

If they have,

you’re at serious risk of gum disease

& other systemic complications.

The 11 pathogenic bacteria on view below are the main pathogens responsible for periodontal disease. Some are early plaque colonisers. Others are more invasive, complex subgingival bacteria that can move uptown to your brain and other organs – via your airways, blood stream, nerve fibres, lymphatic system and digestive tract.

Test for the

11 Oral Pathogens

with our

Oral Pathogen Test

When you come in for a regular dental check-up at Leeming Dental, we routinely check for any signs and symptoms of periodontal (or gum) disease.

During your examination, our oral health therapist utilises video microscopy to observe and identify any oral bacterial pathogens that cause gum disease.

If certain “invasive” pathogenic bacteria are visually identified, we may advise or recommend that you take our Oral Pathogen Test. This diagnostic test is the most accurate, reliable testing protocol to determine what oral bacterial species are infecting your gums. It also helps inform a more customised and targeted treatment plan to remove those species from your gums.

Ready to take your oral health to the next level? Book an Oral Pathogen Check-up at Leeming Dental today.

Test for the

11 Periodontal Pathogens

linked to Gum Disease

with our

Oral Pathogen DNA Test

When you come in for a regular dental check-up at Leeming Dental, we routinely check for any signs and symptoms of periodontal (or gum) disease.

During your examination, our oral health therapist utilises video microscopy to observe and identify any oral bacterial pathogens that cause gum disease.

If certain “invasive” pathogenic bacteria are visually identified, we may advise or recommend that you take our Oral Pathogen DNA Test. This test is the most accurate, reliable testing protocol to determine what oral bacterial species are infecting your gums. It also helps  inform a more customised and targeted treatment plan to permanently remove those species from your gums.

Ready to take your oral health to the next level? Book an Oral Pathogen Check-up at Leeming Dental today.

Taking an Oral Pathogen Test at Leeming Dental Centre:

How is an Oral Pathogen Test beneficial to my health?

An oral pathogen test is invaluable diagnostic tool to help identify specific pathogenic oral bacteria present in your body. Pathogenic oral bacteria are the nasty kind. Once established in your oral cavity, they put you at a much greater risk for periodontal disease and chronic systemic inflammation (SI).

Additionally, these oral bacteria can migrate to and affect other parts of your body. Clinical research has shown that a number of pathogenic oral bacteria are linked to diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer’s disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, poor nutrition, pregnancy complications & strokes.

Clinical research has also proven that some of these links may be causational since it’s been found that pathogenic bacteria interfere with protein folding in the brain and body*.

If an oral pathogen test is incorporated into a dental treatment plan, our dentists can identify and classify your specific risk factors for oral and systemic diseases. This ensures a more comprehensive oral health assessment and a more effective personalised treatment therapy.

How do I take the test?

All you need to do is a simple 30 second swish & gargle of an oral rinse which you spit out into a collection tube. Your sample will be tested at our onsite Leeming Dental oral pathogen laboratory.

Oral Pathogen screening

Oral biofilm pathogen screenings are incorporated into your regular check-up and clean appointments. Your dentist or oral health therapist will take a sample of bacteria sitting under your gum, this sample will be tested at our onsite Leeming Dental oral pathogen laboratory.

Oral Pathogens Test
Oral Pathogens Test

Test outcomes

The oral pathogen test lab report lists the harmful bacteria detected in your saliva, and indicates what course of antibiotic treatment you should take.

This enables us to develop a much more powerful and effective treatment plan specifically for your mouth. We administer the appropriate antibiotic either below the gum line or via medication.

It’s that easy.

After your antibiotic treatment, your dentist here will monitor your progress, be able to provide more effective follow-up treatment, and better manage your periodontal condition

Take your Oral Pathogen Test – only at Leeming Dental

For more information or to schedule a consultation, call our helpful reception at Leeming Dental on 08 9310 3367.

Well-controlled Oral Pathogen

Plenty of harmful oral pathogen

Meet Liza

Our oral health therapist

Our highly skilled and experienced oral health therapist is Australian trained in oral hygiene, care and maintenance.

Liza skilfully scale and cleans, takes x-rays and impressions, identifies gum disease and implements periodontal gum treatment. Liza is also passionate about informing her patients on preventative measures and recommending suitable dental products for their oral health.

Lisa Oral Pathogen

Certified Accreditation

Safe and quality dental care

At Leeming Dental, our dental practice has achieved what is known as practice accreditation.

That means our staff have completed a process that meets high dentistry standards. We also share

a commitment to always improve and deliver safe, quality dental care – for you and your family.


Leeming Dental has also been recognised for excellence in professional practice.


*1. Dominy, S. S., Lynch, C., Ermini, F., Benedyk, M., Marczyk, A., Konradi, A., Nguyen, M., Haditsch, U., Raha, D., Griffin, C., Holsinger, L. J., Arastu-Kapur, S., Kaba, S., Lee, A., Ryder, M. I., Potempa, B., Mydel, P., Hellvard, A., Adamowicz, K., . . . Potempa, J. (2019). Porphyromonas gingivalisin Alzheimer’s disease brains: Evidence for disease causation and treatment with small-molecule inhibitors. Science Advances, 5(1), eaau3333. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aau3333