Wisdom Teeth

Gentle and professional dental care

Wisdom Teeth

Gentle and professional dental care

Contrary to what most people think, not all wisdom teeth need to be removed.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molar teeth at the most distal (rear) part of the mouth. Most adults have 4 wisdom teeth, one on each of the 4 quadrants of the mouth. Generally, wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 16 – 25.

How do I know if they need to be removed?

At Leeming Dental, we recommend the removal of wisdom teeth for the following reasons:

  • Wisdom teeth not growing in the right direction. If there is insufficient space in the jaw for the wisdom teeth to erupt, they can end up growing out horizontally causing impaction. This can lead to discomfort.
  • Patient is unable to maintain cleanliness around the wisdom teeth. Due to the location and varying position, this can make cleaning around wisdom teeth an impossible task.
  • Decay and gum disease around the wisdom tooth. If the area around the wisdom teeth is not kept clean, the gums and the tooth can become infected, leading to discomfort. In serious cases, facial swelling can occur and cause breathing difficulties.
  • Wisdom tooth causing patients pain. If the wisdom tooth is causing the patient any form of discomfort.

Are there risks?

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Risks of removing wisdom teeth include:

  • Dry socket (where a blood clot fails to form)
  • Nerve injury (could be temporary or even permanent)
  • Sinus perforation (a communication is formed between the floor of your nose and mouth)
  • Infection of the area
  • Wisdom Teeth
    Wisdom Teeth
    Wisdom Teeth

    Wisdom tooth causing food packing, resulting in gum disease and decay.

    What does the procedure involve?

    Before removing your wisdom teeth, a consult with one of our friendly dentists at Leeming Dental is arranged. An X-ray (OPG) may be taken to assess the position of the wisdom tooth, as well as key structures, such as the inferior alveolar nerve and floor of the sinus.

    You may elect to have general anaesthesia. Additionally, you may include other forms of sedation if needed.

    Our dentists will discuss the risks, benefits, costs, and options available for the procedure to help you make an informed decision.

    At Leeming Dental, we ensure that the removal of a wisdom tooth is done as painlessly as possible.